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As a highly esteemed engineering institution of West Bengal, Technique Polytechnic Institute, maintains an utmost academic standard since the time of establishment. This Institution is growing up with the promise of excellent service of technical education to the nation. We firmly believe that technical education is the key to a nation's progress. Thus, we take it as our bounded duty to provide the best academic training, a student can possibly get. In order to do so we have established Academic Council. The Academic Council is the highest academic body of the institute and is responsible for the maintenance of standards of instruction, education and examination. Under the umbrella of the council nine (1: Examination 2: Magazine & Newsletter 3: Seminar & Workshop 4:Sports & Game 5:Cultural 6:Library 7:Festival 8:Student Welfare 9:Science & Exhibition) different sub-committees working together to satisfy the claim of the institutional Mission and Vision.

To the Faculty:

“What the teacher is, is more important than what he teaches.” ? Karl A. Menninger .

We urge all the faculties to concrete the trend of setting the inspirational instances before the students, which is flowing uninterruptedly from the inception of the institute. Teaching is not all about transferring knowledge. It’s more about making a student complete. To do so faculties should encourage students to engage themselves in extracurricular affairs.

To the Student:

“We are what our thoughts have made us.” ---Swami Vivekananda

We all admit that we belong to a faster moving world, but we should also keep in mind that however faster it is, it can’t go beyond the orbit. Students should know how to generate the ability of differentiating between illusion and fact . They must take advice of their mentors regularly to develop that skill. As they will be the driving in near future not only for their country but for the whole world, they must build good health and strong character. We wish them best of luck for their successful life.

As the Secretary of the Academic Council, we appreciate the heartily participation and cooperation of the conveners, members, students and management to make it possible for us to transform our assertion to reality. We wish this effort will catalyze the prosperity of this institution in becoming the center of excellence.


Secretary of Academic Council, TPI