9674982097/9830482096/(033) 2686-3682

Admission : 9830306780, 7980163645



It gives me immense pleasure, on behalf of everyone in our institute to provide all possible assistance required in the process of teaching, learning and administrative point of view.

To the Faculty:

“What the teacher is, is more important than what he teaches.” ? Karl A. Menninger .

We urge all the faculties to concrete the trend of setting the inspirational instances before the students, which is flowing uninterruptedly from the inception of the institute. Teaching is not all about transferring knowledge. It’s more about making a student complete. To do so faculties should encourage students to engage themselves in extracurricular affairs.

The Administrative department at Technique Polytechnic Institute, Hooghly is committed to providing extraordinary service to more than 115 faculty and staff members towards success in teaching-learning activities.

The administrative department has been continuously engaged in planning and implementing various kinds of development activities for the pursuit of academic excellence with an eye towards the needs of the society, industries and the nation.

We extend to you and all those who share our ethos a warm invitation to join hands with us in working towards a better future not only for ourselves but also for the generations that follow, our learners, who are the reason of our existence.

We thank the AICTE, the State Government, the WBSCTVESD, local population, media, students, fellow teachers elsewhere, and peer institutions both within and outside our Institution for placing their trust and confidence in us. We feel quite humble indeed! It is this trust and confidence that keeps boosting our spirits and spurs us on. However, we do count on receiving constructive feedback from the stakeholders from time to time and continued support in our work so that we measure up to the expectations.